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Command-line tool that interacts with Palo Alto firewalls and Panorama | Documentation Home

Policy Command

  panco policy [flags]
  panco policy [command]

Available Commands:
  edit        Edit a security, NAT, Decryption or Policy-Based Forwarding policy
  export      Export a security, NAT, Decryption or Policy-Based Forwarding policy
  import      Import (create, modify) a security, NAT, Decryption or Policy-Based Forwarding policy

  -h, --help   help for policy

Use "panco policy [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The policy command allows you to work with security, NAT, Decryption or Policy-Based Forwarding policies. You will be able to export a policy, and import (create/modify) a policy.

Important: Please refer to the CSV Structure - Policies page on how to structure your CSV files when importing, grouping or moving rules.

Click on any one of the available commands to view the full documentation and usage: